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ISI/WOS Journal
Note: Student works have * and are underlined.

  • Pérez-Estay, N., Ruz-Ginouves, J., Pérez-Flores, P., Sielfeld, G., Roquer, T., Cembrano, J. (2023) Decoding the state of stress and fluid pathways along the Andean Southern Volcanic Zone. Commun Earth Environ 4, 390.


  • Robbiano, F.,* Liu, K., Zhang, Q., & Orellana, L.F., (2023). Dynamic mechanical properties of veined rocks under biaxial confinement, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 170,


  • l Rio, J.I.; Fernandez, P.*; Castillo, E.; Orellana, L.F., (2023). Assesing Climate Change Risk in the Mining Industry: A Case Study in the Copper Industry in the Antofagasta Region, Chile. Commodities, 2, 246-260



  • Robbiano, F.,* Liu, K., Zhang, Q., & Orellana, L.F., (2022). Dynamic compression test on veined rocks at high strain rates, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 153,


  • Pimienta, L., Orellana, L. F., & Violay, M. (2019). Variations in elastic and electrical properties of crustal rocks with varying degree of microfracturation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth,


  • Orellana, L. F., Giorgetti, C., & Violay, M. (2019). Contrasting mechanical and hydraulic properties of wet and dry fault zones in a proposed shale-hosted nuclear waste repository. Geophysical Research Letters, 46(3), 1357–1366.


  • Orellana, L. F., Scuderi, M. M., Collettini, C., & Violay, M. (2018a). Do scaly clays control seismicity on faulted shale rocks? Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 488, 59–67.


  • Orellana, L. F., Scuderi, M. M., Collettini, C., & Violay, M. (2018b). Frictional Properties of Opalinus Clay: Implications for Nuclear Waste Storage. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 123(1), 157–175.


  • Orellana, L. F., Castro, R., Hekmat, A., & Arancibia, E. (2017). Productivity of a Continuous Mining System for Block Caving Mines. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 50(3), 657–663.


  • Rotta Loria, A. F., Orellana, L. F., Minardi, A., Fürbringer, J. M., & Laloui, L. (2015). Predicting the axial capacity of piles in sand. Computers and Geotechnics, 69, 485–495.


Applying engineering and geosciences to tackle complex challenges in mining



Geological Engineering Laboratory

Department of Mining Engineering

Beauchef 850

8370448, Santiago 






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