In October and November 2019, Franco Robbiano (former Master student, and now a Doctoral Researcher at EPFL) completed a productive internship at the University of Melbourne. During his stay, he conducted dynamic experiments using a Split Hopkinson Bar and collaborated closely with Prof. Qianbing Zhang's research group. The project was part of and international seed fund funded by AMTC and the project Fondecyt Iniciación of Prof. Luis Felipe Orellana.

Franco's work was later published in the International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences:
Robbiano, F.,* Liu, K., Zhang, Q., & Orellana, L.F., (2023). Dynamic mechanical properties of veined rocks under biaxial confinement, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 170,
Robbiano, F.,* Liu, K., Zhang, Q., & Orellana, L.F., (2022). Dynamic compression test on veined rocks at high strain rates, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 153,